วันจันทร์ที่ 25 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2550

Vaccination Decisions - Who Should You Trust?

Most parents want to trust their pediatrician. We no longer live in extended families. Moms and grandmas frequently live far away so when Johnny gets sick, instead of consulting with those close to us who have taken care of sick kids, we confer with our doctor.

Most pediatricians are well meaning and want to do what they feel is in the best interest of children's health. However, when it comes to vaccination, pediatricians often go beyond helpful suggestions; they resort to fear tactics. Parents are told frightening, "worse case scenario" stories of a child who had serious complications from a childhood illness such as measles, mumps or chickenpox. The children who recovered uneventfully are never mentioned. The pressure to vaccinate can escalate and sometimes results in threats. Intimidated and believing the “doctor knows best,” the injections proceed.

Then you begin to read articles and books by doctors who have discovered problems with vaccines.

The information about vaccine dangers is not opinion but represents thousands of hours of research, documenting facts even most pediatricians don’t know. The information tackles mainstream thinking about vaccines head on. Importantly, the information is presented with detailed references. This new data causes feelings of confusion. It is radically different from what has been generally accepted about vaccination for more than two hundred years: “Vaccines are safe, effective, protective and cause no harm.” You spend hours researching both sides of the argument to determine which doctor is telling the truth, which information is correct. You struggle, you argue, and you often feel very conflicted.

Both doctors are convincing. Both speak with authority and present information you struggle to assimilate. Which guidelines should you follow? Which doctor should you trust?

Quite frankly, you shouldn’t trust either at face value.

You should trust your intuition, your gut feeling, your own internal guidance system. Sit quietly and privately, see how you “feel” when you consider vaccination. What does it feel like when you look at your precious baby and know that injections are planned at the next doctor visit? What does it feel like to think about not vaccinating? If both feelings are neutral or confusing, you need more information. If both feelings are equally strong and negative, examine your fears. Do you understand the real risks of the disease your want to prevent? Do you know the real risk of the vaccine? When one feeling is definitely stronger than the other, that is your instinct talking.

Moms know when something is not right with Johnny, even when he is not in sight. That’s intuition. On the other hand, mothers have cried while their child was being vaccinated, praying that “nothing would go wrong.” That's going against intuitive sense.

We have abdicated our personal power to professionals, particularly doctors, even though the medical industry has failed us miserably in many ways. Parents, it’s time to take back your power. Trust what you feel when considering vaccination. Know that you are intelligent and capable of reading and then understanding the risks vs the benefits. The more you listen to that "voice within," the louder it becomes. It is the best test of the vaccine information you hear.
Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny is respected as one of the country’s most knowledgeable and outspoken physicians regarding the negative impacts of vaccines on health. Through her education company, NMA Media Press, she spreads her vision of retaining freedom of choice in healthcare, including the freedom to refuse vaccination. Her three hour DVD, Vaccines: The Risk, The Benefits and The Choices , her new book FOWL! Bird flu: It’s Not What You Think, and many other books, tapes and materials are available at http://www.nmaseminars.com/ Information about her medical clinic can be found at http://www.osteomed2.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sherri_Tenpenny,_DO
